Tuesday, August 24, 2010

hi, i'm back!

it's been a long time since i've posted. so many things have changed in my life; all for the better. major updates since the last posting: new job, new family members, family returning home, new friends, renewed friendships, and the one that has inspired me to start again, a new love. that's exciting! i feel so lucky to have met him and am so happy he's inspired me to return to haikus.

i wrote this in march, when we first started dating, and gave it to him on a slip of notepad paper. the best kisses are the stolen ones, i think!

away from the crowd,
you grab my hand, hold me close,
and steal one soft kiss.


Just Sweet Love said...

sexy! i love it.

love you.

Susan said...

so happy for you! i'll write too!